While on my journey of becoming a content creator, photographer, videographer, freelance creator I discovered I enjoy creating depth of field within my photos, which you might like to try as well.
Recently I went out and shot some photos for a local running club, Neighbourhood Track Club, in Auckland, NZ and I really loved how some of these photos came out. With the use of depth of field, it helped me highlight a particular focus point within the image and also created a bit more dimension.
And what I also found is that it helped give the image a bit more of an impact, a bit more dimension rather than it being a 'flat photo'.
Utilising things in the foreground, like vegetation, which is slightly out of focus by lowering your F-Stop, can help emphasise your subject matter which is in focus. You'll see a couple of examples of this amongst the photos.
By doing this, what I've noticed is that having layers within the image helps create movement of the eye for the viewer as they look around the picture at the different elements of the photo.
Next time you take your camera out, or even your phone, have a play around with different depths of field and see what you can create.
Until next time, peace!